Friday, March 18, 2016

America vs "communities"

The Journal report adds:
A senior Democrat who has spoken with Clinton campaign officials and others in the party in recent days said the multi-pronged strategy under review includes enlisting the Muslim, Hispanic and gay communities in an effort to paint Mr. Trump as a divisive force in American politics.
Color us skeptical. Besides, who is the “divisive force,” the candidate whose message is “Make America great again” or the one who touts the support of various small “communities”?
And then there’s this:
The Democratic front-runner’s aides are planning to keep her out of a war of insults, concluding that independent voters will recoil at Mr. Trump’s heated rhetoric and reward her discretion. Their plan is to try to challenge Mr. Trump on substance, the Clinton aide said.
Because that worked so well for . . . oh wait, never mind.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mitt Romney

  • “Despite Attack on Donald Trump, Mitt Romney Won’t Run for President”—headline, Yahoo! Politics, March 4
Mitt Romney's anti-Trump speech recast Mitt as a disloyal, bitter defender of the establishment. Four years ago, Mitt sought Trump's endorsement and praised Trump's business success and skills. Now he's doing exactly the opposite. Difficult to reconcile, especially when he falsely claimed Trump inherited everything. He cites a few business failures while ignoring his successes. 

One wonders if Mitt wasn't planning a Bain takeover of Trump's companies and wanted to knock down some values first.